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WISE will be running a full day event at the NSF Summit this summer. Join us on August 15th, in Arlington, US! We look forward to welcoming colleagues from North America and around the world as we get our hands dirty with interactive activities including:… Read More »WISE@NSF Summit

Your Crown Jewels at Risk

When mentioned, information security often stirs up a little rush of emotions among most people. One might feel fear, annoyance, frustration, or guilt. And that’s OK, emotions are a part of our cognitive behaviour. But when coping with risks related to information security we need… Read More »Your Crown Jewels at Risk


WISE flew the flag for collaborative security at the Digital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R) Conference in Krakow this September. With both a co-located workshop and a session within the main programme, it was clear that security for e-Infrastructures was a hot topic. Talks featured speakers representing over… Read More »WISE at DI4R